We are an internal agency sitting within the Economy, Energy and Transport group of the Welsh Government.
Our Minister for the creative industries is Sarah Murphy, Minister for Social Partnership, Media and Broadcasting is within the remit of Lesley Griffiths, Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice. 

Our priorities

Our commitment to Wales is to focus on growing the potential that exists within Wales' creative industries, whilst ensuring Diversity & Inclusion and Sustainability are at the forefront, as well as opportunities and fair work for all. 

To do that, we want to be transparent with our vision. When we launched back in 2020 we developed a set of priorities to help guide us – you can read those in our priorities document.

Media and broadcasting

As well as supporting our creative industries, we're also responsible for broadcasting and media policy in Wales. 

As powers for broadcasting and media sit with UK Government, our role is to support a broadcasting media framework that works for our country. This means working closely with other governments across the UK to make sure our creative industries are always represented, heard and considered. 

Alongside this, we focus on building relationships with key partners, such as Ofcom Cymru, and lead on the broadcasting and media commitments in the Welsh Government's Programme for Government. Some other key areas of work include: 

Wales Public Interest Journalism Working Group

We manage the Wales Public Interest Journalism Working Group, which looks at what is needed for a thriving, diverse and sustainable journalism sector in Wales. This includes providing advice and guidance on the allocation of Welsh Government financial support.
To date, this funding has supported a Journalism Support Fund, the Inclusive Media Development Lab’ initiative, Cardiff University’s Industry Data Research report and a dedicated Senedd reporter role.  

Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with industry partners and Public Sector Broadcasters

We constantly build on our positive relationship with industry partners and public service broadcasters in Wales, and have agreed memorandums of understandings with BBC Cymru Wales, S4C and the Arts Council of Wales. These set out our joint priorities and commitment to support and grow the broadcasting sector in Wales.